Wednesday, October 19, 2011


It has been a very long time since I last post up my speeches..
Well to be honest I have been taking a long time off after finishing my CC but right now I guess I'm sort of back on track =)
I had finished another 2 more of my advanced communicator speech quite long ago in fact but just didn't have the time to post them up so I'm gonna do it now xD

For my Advanced Communicator Bronze I had chosen The Entertaining Speaker manual

Here are my two speeches.

One of a kind.

Am I...?

Hope you guys like it =)


  1. i'm straining my eyes to see the evaluations!! but ended up, still can't see anything. haha, next time have to show me when i go back to penang! hahaha..

  2. agree with what eevy said. i am straining to read the comments but i can only manage to catch a few words. XD

  3. hahaha i know xD show you when I have the chance to la xD

